York & Lindisfarne

York, England
As of this writing, we are in Scotland. On our way north, we spent a few days in York, and two in Lindisfarne. York is a beautiful city! Founded by Romans in the 1st century, some of their walls, as well as those of the Normans from the 12th century, are still intact. As with London, one of our first trips was to see "The Minster," York's cathedral. One of the largest of its kind in Europe, it has been at the center of Christianity in northern England since the 7th century. Second only to Canterbury in its importance in our church, it is likewise incredible. You can find some photos and information here - https://yorkminster.org/  and here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York_Minster .

Our First Peek 

The Nave 

The Ceiling 

The Sisters' Window for Sisters
(Honoring women who served in WWI.)
Pictures of the town:

Another highlight was our trip to a nearby Bird of Prey Centre. While my first time really driving made it a bit nervewracking for me, the birds made it worth it!

The monastary on this tidal island was founded by St. Aidan, who came here from Iona on the west coast of Scotland. While a community thrived here for centuries, its location on the coast made it very vulnerable to raids and politics. The current ruins and small church, are nonetheless places of great beauty and peace. More information can be found here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindisfarne


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